Dear OSCA Members and residents of Ocean Shores and district.

Ocean Shores District Planning Meeting.
Tuesday, August 21st 4pm To 5.30pm.
At The OS Gallery, next to Target..

The Ocean Shores Community Association (OSCA) has invited all candidates for the council elections to engage the communities of Ocean Shores, South Golden Beach, New Brighton, Billinudgel, and coastal north rural areas.

Meet the Candidates.
Date: Wednesday, September 5th.
Venue: Ocean Shores Community Centre, Rajah Rd..
Time: 6.30pm for 7pm start. .

Please come and let the candidates hear from a strong representation from our communities.

BEFORE we meet the candidates we wish to consult with you, our members and friends.

OSCA and many residents of Ocean Shores district are concerned and plan to let the candidates for the upcoming council elections know about the issues that have been ignored in our OS town and district for many years.

Community consultation to brief the candidates
Date: Tuesday, August 21st.
Time: 4pm.
Venue: OS Community Gallery, shop next to Target, Rajah Rd..

OSCA hopes to finalise a briefing paper which we will then send to the candidates. If you can’t come, please take the time to email us with your thoughts. We will pass these on to the candidates. Please let your neighbours and friends know about both of these meetings. The Tuesday meeting is not for the council candidates, but for residents.

The following items, listed below, were the main issues raised at the council community consultation meeting last year.
Do you endorse these as the issues to be given to the candidates?
Would you prefer other matters to be added?
Would you prefer any of these issues to be replaced by others?

  • Ocean Shores district residents represent more than 20% of the population of Byron Shire. Ocean Shores is now the largest residential town in the shire. Yet the town is often left out of council planning, publications etc. Why? Include Ocean Shores in all future council planning and publications and give us a fair share of council expenditure.
  • Roundhouse Site. Do not sell the Roundhouse site. Dedicate it for public use, for future use as a community run cultural and tourism site. Once the land is dedicated for public use, a management committee from the community can be appointed and grant funding sought.
  • Sports Fields. OSCA supports the purchase of 80 acres of land at Billinudgel for use as sportsfields for the district.
  • The State of Infrastructure in the Ocean Shores District – fix the potholes, commence a comprehensive timetable in Council’s management plan to repair our roads.
  • Economic Development . Give Ocean Shores a fair share of council spending. Support small business. Include Ocean Shores in tourism planning.
  • Transport. Light rail, bikeways/pathways, public transport.

Please contact us if you wish to discuss any of the above issues.
Jan 66801108 or Roger 66190308.


Jan, Roger, Dianne and Jason
Your OSCA Executive.