Ocean Shores Community Association Inc (OSCA) is preparing professional media material including a short video to inform our local public and relevant government and council authorities of the anger in our community about lack of flood mitigation in our district. Our Ocean Shores and district residents are no longer prepared to be told there is nothing that can be done, and the requests made by the community in the post 2017 flood council community survey should be ignored. Council’s flood strategy and plan does not address the requests of the community to open up the floodwater blockages so they can escape to the ocean.
The video and media material will cost about $10 000 to make a professional production. As well if necessary OSCA is prepared to engage independent consultants to argue the community’s case for a flood free environment.
Please support this GoFundMe request and help us to effectively fight to stop the flooding. It is time to let the waters get out.

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